Arria, D.D.2013-05-092013-05-092013-05-09http:// interview was recorded at the New York City,on September 5,1997. The Interviewer was Jean Krasno. Arria was Venezuelan Permanent Representative of Venezuela to the United Nations from 1991 to 1993, and was President of the Security Council (March 1992), during Venezuela's membership of the Security Council. Arria later became Special Advisor to Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the UN, He initiated the eponymous 'Arria formula' a very informal consultation process which affords members of the Security Council the opportunity to hear persons in a confidential, informal setting. These meetings are presided over by a member of the Council as service facilitator for the discussion and not by the President of the Council. He was chairman during the massacres at Srebrenica. After visiting the enclave he warned of its impending doom and predicted the massacres saying it was "slow motion Genocide" and the besieged enclave itself as "a concentration camp policed by UNPROFOR".enDr.Diego Arriapermanent representative of venezuelaEl SalvadorContadora processShafik HandalSoviet ambassadorPerez de CuellarMexican missionColombian missionSpanish missionTruth CommissionDr.D. Arria, September 5,1997.Recording, oral