Csajbok-Twerefou, I.2013-01-032017-10-142013-01-032017-10-142010http:// use of films in the teaching of a foreign language is very important. However, many instructors hardly use any in the teaching of foreign languages mainly because of the lack of methodology, time needed to prepare among others. In this work we analyze the use of movies in the foreign languages teaching paying particular attention to the importance and methodology. Our research and experience indicate that using films in teaching provides an opportunity for students to learn new words, new terminologies, new phraseology as well as practicing the language in class through discussions, especially at the advanced level. The success of using movies in the teaching process depends on many factors including the preparedness of the instructors and the right approach - pre-watching, watching and post watching stages with the film being watched thrice at the watching stage. Our analysis reveal that developing socio-cultural competence to interpret different verbal and non-verbal aspects of a movie, making the right choice of film and the avoidance of imposition of own opinions and views on students presents the most important challenge to instructors. General and specific recommendations aimed at helping instructors to improve language education using movies are made.enThe Role of Films in the Teaching of Foreign Languages. In: Legon Journal of the Humanities, Accra, Ghana, pp. 51-75.Article