Lomotey, B.A.2018-10-302018-10-302014-0910.1558/genl.v9i3.18506http://ugspace.ug.edu.gh/handle/123456789/25014In order to establish the impact of antisexist language proposals on the Spanish language, questionnaires were administered to discover factors that can obstruct or facilitate the elimination of linguistic sexism. Issues that were investigated included speakers' perceptions about sexism in Spanish, speakers' opinions about the relevance of language reform and speakers' reaction to antisexist language proposals. Despite the challenges faced by feminist linguistic campaigns, some positive changes in reactions to nonsexist language suggestions were found. This paper reveals that these changes are encouraging indicators of the potential success of language reform attempts. © 2015, equinox publishing.enLanguage and genderLanguage reformLinguistic sexismNonsexist SpanishLanguage reform: A critical look at its chances of success in the Spanish contextArticle