Ofosu, D.O.Opata, N.S.Gyampo, O.Odamtten, G.T.2018-12-212018-12-212013-10Vol. 6(19): pp 3536-3539DOI: 10.19026/rjaset.6.3557http://ugspace.ug.edu.gh/handle/123456789/26624This study sought to provide data on the mineral composition of the fruit pulp, outer coat and seed of Dialiu guineense in an attempt to widen the sources of minerals for the rural population of sub-Saharan Africa. The elemental composition of the pulp, seed and fruit coat of black velvet tamarind (Dialium guineense) was determined using Neutron Activation Analysis. The fruit pulp contained manganese (23.40±1.57μg/g), chlorine (205.40±37.59 μg/g), calcium (5671.00±2132.30 μg/g), sodium (332.95±8.76 μg/g) and potassium (6190.00±711.85 μg/g). The seed and fruit coat contained all these minerals except potassium and sodium respectively. The fruit pulp can serve as a good source of macrominerals for humans while the fruit coat and seed could be ground and incorporated in various meal formulations of livestock as mineral supplements.enDialium guineenseMacromineralsMineral deficiencyDetermination of the elemental composition of the pulp, seed and fruit coat of black velvet tamarind (Dialium guineense) using instrumental neutron activation analysisArticle