Lawson, A.Schoenwolf, G.C.2019-04-302019-04-302009-12DOI: 10.1016/B978-008045046-9.01081-0 of the neural tube, the rudiment of the central nervous system, occurs through the process of neurulation. Neurulation occurs in two phases, primary and secondary, and each phase involves multiple stages. Failure of neurulation to occur properly results in neural tube defects - severely debilitating and potentially life-threatening birth defects in which neural tissue protrudes through the skin. The tissue/cellular bases of neurulation are well understood, but its molecular basis is just beginning to be revealed. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.enCavitationCentral nervous systemMorphogenesisNeural crest cellsNeural plateNeural tubeNeural tube defectsNeurulationNeurulationBook Chapter