Noye-Nortey, H.Clarke, E.Brew-Butler, E.E.University of Ghana,College of Health Sciences,School of Public Health2015-06-012017-10-142015-06-012017-10-141997-063 0692 1079 4046 0http:// study was conducted in the Accra Metropolitan Area of the Greater Accra Region. It is the National as well as the Regional Capital. In many developing countries lack of appropriate slaughtering facilities and practices go to affect the end product available for consumption. One abattoir, the Accra Slaughter House in James Town was built about 70 years ago during the colonial rule as a small facility to serve the comparatively small area. It had since not seen any further development. Besides this, other slaughter slabs were in operation within the Metropolis. A cursory observation of these slaughter houses in Accra indicated unhygienic conditions and practices. There was filth and stench at such places. The study aimed at describing the extent of and the reasons for the practices of poor hygienic standards at these slaughter houses. The study was descriptive in using qualitative methods. Interviews were conducted using interview guides as well as observations using a check list to evaluate resources available. Slaughter house and slabs lacked infrastructure facilities, appropriate equipment and financial support. Furthermore, the slabs lacked supervision and qualified personnel to carry out ante mortem and post-mortem examinations, suggestions to improve the situation included:- 1. Upgrading and renovation of the slaughter house and slabs to appreciable standards by providing appropriate facilities and equipment. 2. Registration of the slaughter slabs with AMA for supervision and assistance. 3. Education and training of workers at the abattoirs on proper handling of meat, personal hygiene, occupational health and other health issues.iv,127pen-USHygienic Practices of Abattoirs within the Accra Metropolitan AreaThesisUniversity of Ghana