Affi, P.O.Duah, K.O.Oppong, I.2019-06-142019-06-142018-12Vol. 7(12): pp 116 - 120 access the relationship between patient satisfaction and some contributing factors, a study was conducted on 200 patients from the War Memorial Hospital. 54% of the patients were males whilst 46% were females. About 67% of the patients were satisfied meaning the satisfaction level at the hospital is higher. A logistic regression model was developed to establish a relationship between patient satisfaction and some contributing factors (age, sex, education, job, health, LTIME, AESTH, PHWR and NHIS). The result indicates that the most important variables associated with patient satisfaction are Sex, LTIME (length of time in attaining services), AESTH (aesthetic features) and PHWR (Patient health-worker relationship).enAssessing Patient Satisfaction And Some Related Factors In The Kasena Nankana District-GhanaArticle