Mensah, Y.Glover-Addy, H.Twum, M.2013-06-202017-10-192013-06-202017-10-192005Mensah, Y., Glover-Addy, H., Etwire, V., Appeadu-Mensah, W., & Twum, M. (2011). Ultrasound guided hydrostatic reduction of intussusception in children at korle bu teaching hospital: An initial experience. Ghana Medical Journal, 45(3), 128-131. is the telescoping or invagination of a portion of intestine (intussusceptum) into an adjacent segment (intussuscipiens). It is one of the common causes of bowel obstruction in infants and toddlers. Sonography has now been accepted as a method for guiding hydrostatic reduction of intussusception with tap water, normal saline or Ringer's lactate solution. This method is currently being used at Korle Bu Teaching Hospital. It is a very simple, efficient, economical and quick method of managing intussusception. The duration of the procedure ranges between two minutes and thirty minutes, with the majority being under ten minutes. A total of twenty intussusceptions were managed in eighteen patients over a nine month period. In fifteen patients (75%) the intussusception was reduced successfully. In five patients (25%), the procedure failed to reduce the intussusceptions.enIntussusception, Intussuscetum, Intussuscepiens, hydrostatic reduction, Intestinal obstructionUltrasound Guided Hydrostatic Reduction of Intussusception in Children at Korle Bu Teaching Hospital: An Initial ExperienceArticle