Pineau, C.M.2013-06-052013-06-052013-06-05http:// interview was recorded at New York, on April 8, 1991 . The Interviewer was James Sutterlin. Degree in law and political science graduate, he worked at the Bank of France from 1926 to 1928 and the Bank of Paris and the Netherlands . He fought the CGT in 1930 and became a close Jouhaux . From 1936 to 1939 he was deputy secretary of the Bank Employees' Federation, and Secretary of the Economic Council of the CGT in 1938-1939. At the beginning of the war, he was appointed chief of staff of his stepfather, the husband of his mother, Jean Giraudoux , the Information Commissioner and writer. Later, Christian Pineau says it's Giraudoux who transmitted the love of writing. After liberation, becomes a member Pineau socialist the Sarthe from 1945 to 1958. He is also general counsel of the Sarthe from 1955 to 1979. Having been several times minister to resolve the government crisis succeeding the fall of government Mendes France , he was appointed Chairman of the Board of Ministers in February 1955 and formed a government that was not invested by the National Assembly , collecting only 268 votes against 312. From February 1956 to May 1958 he was Minister of Foreign Affairs and participates in the implementation of the Suez expedition . He negotiated the Treaty of Rome establishing the European Economic Community to sign with Maurice Faure on behalf of France. He tries an "opening to the East" by going to Moscow with the Chairman Guy Mollet . Pineau was all his life a staunch advocate of European integration.enThe meeting at SevresFrench attitudes toward Nasser and the IsraelisAdenauer's involvementThe influence of the Hungarian revolutionInfluence of lobbies on the QuaiInfluence of the war in AlgeriaIsrael's decision to go to warM. Christian Pineau, April 8, 1991Recording, oral