Amfo, N.A.A.2012-04-072017-10-142012-04-072017-10-142007http:// paper explores the semantics and pragmatics of noun phrase and clausal connectives in Akan (Niger-Congo, Kwa branch), highlighting the significant dialectal variation which exists. In Fante, noun phrases may be conjoined by nye which encodes comitativity or na which is underdetermined between a comitative and a coordinative meaning. Asante on the other hand uses the underdetermined noun phrase connective ne. The interlocutor in Asante thus relies on contextual information to determine the intended interpretation. Clausal conjunction in both dialects is performed by the low-tone clausal connective na. However the high-tone temporal marker can be aptly used in certain temporal contexts as an alternative to the mundane clausal connective. This situation where the temporal marker functions as a clausal connective is more extended in Fante where the temporal marker is even suitable in certain contrastive contexts. Even though there is no evidence that the temporal marker will soon usurp the functions of the coordinating connective, this phenomenon once again demonstrates the close conceptual affinity between temporal markers and clausal.enAkanConnectivesCoordinatorContextual informationTemporalNoun Phrase and Clausal Conjunction in AkanArticle