Ahiakpor, F.Asmah, E.2020-02-282020-02-282012-060855-4730http://ugspace.ug.edu.gh/handle/123456789/35050Ghana Social Science Journal, 9(1) 73-94The factors that affect agrarian transformation are complex and often interrelated. Access to financial services is an important input necessary for such transformation. A type of financial service that has become of increasing importance to farmers is microfinance. An important question concerns the role that microfinance initiatives have played regarding the development of agriculture in developing countries, especially those in Africa. This brief literature review suggests that while microfinance may have had some positive impacts on agricultural development and transformation, it has not been the panacea for the myriad of problems facing farmers and the rural poor.enAfricaAgricultureCreditMicrofinanceRural developmentA Brief Survey of the Literature on Microfinance and AgricultureJournal