Ashitey, G.A.2019-10-242019-10-242000-06 ArticleCHALLENGES OF Y12000 AND BEYOND • Prevention and control of both communicable and non communicable diseases. • Improvement of the Health Service. • Quality manpower training. DISEASE CONTROL In future, we have to prevent and control not only communicable diseases, but also non communicable diseases. The big four among the conm1Unicable disease arc; H1V/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria and Cholera. HIV/AIDS has been dubbed the undeclared war in Africa. It is spreading like bush-fire. Its toll is among the working segment of our population. Sub Saharan Africa is the epicentre of the pandemicenHIV/AIDSTuberculosismalariaCholeraThirty years in academia anniversary lecture: Public health is public wealth.Article