Ibrahim, M.Sieveking, N.2024-02-192024-02-192023http://ugspace.ug.edu.gh:8080/handle/123456789/41329Journal ArticleThis article introduces the research of MIASA’s IFG 7 project titled “Religious Diversity in Urban West Africa: Exploring Modes of Coexistence for Sustainable Governance”. It conceptualises the methodological approach of the group by identifying three main thematic axes that emerged from the overlapping individual approaches to the study of religious diversity in urban centres, namely 1) migration, mobilities, entrepreneurship, and trans-nationalism; (2) territoriality, power, and configurations of religious minorities and majorities; and (3) urban infrastructure(s).enWest Africareligious diversitycoexistenceurban infrastructureConceptual Reflections on Approaches to Religious Diversity and Modes of Coexistence in Urban West Africa*Article