Avorgbedor, D.2023-04-182023-04-182022DOI: 10.4312/mz.58.1.7-41http://ugspace.ug.edu.gh:8080/handle/123456789/38857Research ArticleRoyal rituals and festivities are vibrant sites of cultural continuity among the Ewe of Ghana. The rituals exhibit elements of hyperreal, sonic, and sacred/secular sensibilities that frame performance and embodied affectivity. The royal event complex engages the multisensory, the carnivalesque and interstices of the sacred/secular in Ewe spirituality and religious outlook.ensonic affectivitysacred-secular continuummultisensorycontestationsEwe performanceRuptures, Junctures, and Difference: The Role of Music and Ritual Performance in Framing “Tradition” in Contemporary Royal Ceremonies, GhanaArticle