Ming-Chang, T.Dzorgbo, D.-B.S.2013-01-012017-10-142013-01-012017-10-142012Journal of Marriage and Family, 74 February, pp. 215-228http:// authors investigated variations in reciprocity and the impact of reciprocity on well-being in a West African society. They hypothesized that household size and income diversity encourage reciprocity, which in turn enhances subjective well-being. In empirical testing of these hypotheses the authors used the data of the Core Welfare Indicators Questionnaire of Ghana, a national sample of household heads (N males=33,949, N females=13,900) collected in 2003. A regression analysis showed that remittances facilitate balanced or credited reciprocity, whereas size-related measures (marital status and generational relationships) produced mixed results. Reciprocity clearly strengthens perceived economic security and levels of happiness among Ghanaians. This research suggests that extensive reciprocity among kin, rather than household configurations, should be stressed in efforts to understand the structure of familial relationships and its consequences for well-being.enAfrican Familiescross culturalfamily processessatisfaction well-beingFamilial Reciprocity and Subjective Well-being in GhanaArticle