Nyarko K.Boateng R. A.Hanson, P.2016-02-232017-10-142016-02-232017-10-142014-06http:// (MPhil) - University of Ghana, 2014The study sought to find out the influence of organisational learning and employees creativity on the quality of work life among employees in Ghanaian organisations. The design of the study was a sequential explanatory mixed research design. The populations consisted of all employees in Ghanaian organisations. Samples were drawn from lecturers in University of Cape Coast, Educational Foundations Department, nurses from University of Cape Coast hospital, staff from Vodafone Ghana, Ghana post office, Ghana commercial bank, high street branch and staff from Global Brigade NGO. The respondents consisted of both female and male employees who had at least a minimum of a Higher National Diploma degree. A stratified, simple random (balloting) and convenience sampling procedures were used. A questionnaire measuring creativity, learning opportunity, quality of work life, stress risk and work demands were administered to the respondents. Data was analysed using Pearson Product-Moment correlation coefficient, standard multiple regression analysis and hierarchical multiple regression analysis. Interview guide was developed based on the outcome of the study for further probing. A significant positive relationship was observed between the variables, (which are perceived creativity, perceived quality of work life, perceived organisational learning, perceived stress risk and perceived work demands). Creativity and learning was found to have a significant positive relationship with employees’ QWL. Learning at the organisational level was found to predict a significant portion of the variance in QWL than at the individual and team level. Furthermore, out of the various moderators proposed, only sex could not significantly moderate the relationship between learning and QWL. The relationship between creativity and QWL on the other hand was moderated by all the proposed moderators. The outcome of the study was discussed and recommendations made accordingly.xi, 131p. illenThe Influence of Percieved Organisational Learning, Employees’ Creativity and the Moderating Role of Psychosocial Factors on Quality of Work Life of Employees in Selected Ghanaian OrganisationsThesisUniversity of Ghana