Sowunmi, A.R.Folayan, C.O.Anafi, F.O.Ajayi, O.A.Omisanya, N.O.Obada, D.O.Dodoo-Arhin, D.2019-06-262019-06-262018-10 20, Pages 90-95 purpose of this dataset is to provide a comparison between synthesized and commercial 4A and 13X type zeolites. Metakaolin produced from the calcination of beneficiated kaolin at 750 °C for 4 h was dealuminated using sulphuric acid to get the required silica to alumina ratio for the zeolite synthesis. Zeolite 4A and 13X samples were characterized along-side with the commercial variants using X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Brunauer, Emmett and Teller (BET) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. These analyses revealed that, the zeolites synthesized are of comparatively acceptable quality. The pore size of 120.859 nm, pore volume of 0.0065 cm3/g and surface area of 22 m2/g were obtained from BET analyses for zeolite 4A synthesized from kaolin, while the commercial zeolite 4A used as control gave pore size of 58.143 nm, pore volume of 0.2462 cm3/g and surface area of 559.13 m2/g. In the same vein, the pore size of 10.5059 nm, pore volume of 0.135847 cm3/g and surface area of 324.584 m2/g were obtained from BET analyses for zeolite 13X synthesized from kaolin, while the commercial zeolite 13X gave pore size of 7.2752 nm, pore volume of 0.135951 cm3/g and surface area of 310.0906 m2/g.enDataset on the comparison of synthesized and commercial zeolites for potential solar adsorption refrigerating systemArticle