Nonvide, G.M.A.Sarpong, D.B.Kwadzo, G.T.M.Anim-Somuah, H.Amoussouga Gero, F.2019-06-192019-06-192017-05 article examines rice farmers’ perceptions of irrigation and constraints on rice production in the municipality of Malanville, Benin. Farmers’ positive perceptions of irrigation include the use of irrigation for insurance against drought, crop yield improvement, higher income, food security and poverty reduction. Analysis of constraints reveals that farmers face major constraints such as lack of agricultural credit, poor access to production inputs, inadequate knowledge of water resources management, poor access to agricultural information and markets, and flooding of fields. Specific constraints in the irrigation scheme of Malanville include the high cost of irrigation and unavailability of water.enIrrigationPerceptionConstraintsRiceFarmersBeninFarmers’ perceptions of irrigation and constraints on rice production in Benin: a stakeholder-consultation approachArticle