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    Street Foods Contribute To Nutrient Intakes Among Children From Rural Communities In Winneba And Techiman Municipalities, Ghana
    (African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 2012) Micah, E.B.; Colecraft, E.K.; Lartey, A.; et al.
    The contribution of Street Foods (SF) to the energy and nutrient intake of young children in rural African communities has been understudied. Under the Enhancing Child Nutrition through Animal Source Food Management (ENAM) project, a microcredit and nutrition education intervention with caregivers of children 2-to 5- years old in rural Ghana, the prevalence of SF consumption by young children and the contribution SF makes to children’s energy, nutrient, and Animal Source Food (ASF) intakes were assessed. A simple random sample of 172 caregiver-child pairs residing in the ENAM intervention communities in Winneba and Techiman municipalities participated in this study. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to interview caregivers about SF purchased for their 2- to 5-year-old children in the previous week. During two non-consecutive 12-hour home observations, all foods consumed by a subsample of the children (n=45) were weighed. The energy and nutrient content of weighed foods were estimated using the Ghanaian food composition table. About 80% of caregivers purchased SF for their child at least once that previous week. Most (76%) SF purchased were grain-based and were purchased as complete meals. The children’s total ASF intake was 69.9 ± 11.0 g; the quantity of ASF consumed was similar but their sources of ASF differed between the two municipalities. In Techiman, SF contributed 36% of the ASF consumed over the two observation days compared to 4.2% in Winneba (P=0.003). Overall, SF contributed 35% of energy and 43% of vitamins. A, 20% of vitamin B12, 30% of zinc, 34% of iron, and 54% of calcium consumed by children. The contribution of SF to young children’s dietary intakes, especially their ASF intakes and hence micronutrient intakes, may improve overall dietary quality. This study provides evidence that SF is an important part of children’s diets in rural Ghana could be an important target for food-based interventions to enhance nutrition in young children.
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    Nutrition intakes and nutritional status of school age children in Ghana
    (Journal of Food Research, 2017) Owusu, J.S.; Colecraft, E.K.; Aryeetey, R.; et al.
    This paper compares the nutrition intake and nutritional status of school children from two public schools in neighbouring communities of Ghana with different school feeding programmes. One hundred and eighty-two caregiver and school-age child pairs were interviewed concerning socio-demographics, dietary practices, and food security in a cross-sectional design. The independent t-test was used to compare the contribution of the publicly funded Ghana School Feeding Programme and Private School Feeding Programme meals to the total daily nutrient intakes of the children. Predictors of the nutritional status of the children were assessed using logistic regression models. The private school feeding programme contributed more energy, protein, and micronutrients as compared to the government school feeding programme. About two-thirds (67.0%) of the children were stunted, underweight, or anaemic. The child’s age was a significant predictor of stunting. Undernutrition was prevalent among children from both programmes. Improved quality of diet from the feeding programmes may contribute to addressing malnutrition in these children.
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    Comparison of Two School Feeding Programmes in Ghana, West Africa
    (International Journal of Child Health and Nutrition, 2016) Owusu, J.S.; Colecraft, E.K.; Aryeetey, R.N.O.; et al.
    Background: Malnutrition of children in Ghana continues during school years. There is limited information on how school meals meet nutrient recommendations in Ghana. Objectives: This study aimed to compare the energy and nutrient content of meals served by Ghana School Feeding Programme (GSFP) and Non-Governmental School Feeding Programme (NGSFP) and adherence to nutrient recommendations. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study design involving the observation of school meals at two sites: GSFP and NGSFP. The average weights of a week’s meal were converted to energy and nutrient equivalence and compared with international recommendations. Differences were assessed with t-tests. Results: NGSFP provided significantly higher portion size (416 ± 96 g vs. 243 ± 50 g; p=0.007), energy (776 ± 427 kcal vs. 315 ± 24 kcal; p=0.042) and fats (17± 8 vs. 6 ± 2; p=0.019) but similar micronutrient contributions to GSFP. NGSFP met energy and macronutrient recommendations set by the World Food Programme; whereas, GSFP did not meet the recommendations. Conclusion and Recommendations: The NGSFP had more energy and macronutrients per serving size than the GSFP. Regulation of meals served by GSFP should be reviewed to ensure they contribute to the adequacy of children’s diets as well as meet recommendations set by the World Food Programme.