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A long essay or dissertation or thesis involving personal research, written by postgraduates of University of Ghana for a university degree.


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    The Impact of the SSNIT Pension Scheme on Retired Workers In Accra
    (University of Ghana., 1999-08) Nagetey, M.
    The SSNIT Pension scheme was Instituted (coverted from Provident Fund ) In 1991 with the promulgation of PNDC Law 247 to pay benefits in the event of some specified contingencies namely: old age, death and Invalidity The study focused on the old age benefits paid to retired workers (contributors) which is deemed as a replacement of their lost Income Benefits paid range between fifty and eighty percent of ones best three years' salary Though the system has been in operation for sometime now, Its Impact has not been well felt due to the low levels of pension Income paid to majority of Its beneficiaries The main cause of these low pension levels has been the general poverty level In the country To make matters worse, economy-wide factors such as high Inflationary rates, high cost of living erode the real Incomes of the pensioners Hence, post-retirement life is extremely difficult for the vast majority. The objective of the study was therefore to find out other supplementary benefits that pensioners might require from the scheme to ease the effect of inflation on their real incomes Perhaps it is expedient for Management of the scheme to review the scheme to respond to the demands of its retired workers by offering some supplementary benefits. In addition, there is the need for the Institution of other complementary schemes to ensure adequate Income to enable retired workers live a meaningful post-retirement life.
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    Factors Influencing Women Learner-Participation In Adult Functional Literacy Programme Run By NFED In Accra
    (University of Ghana, 1999-12) Saah, A.A.
    The promotion of Adult Functional Literacy programmes per se, neither creates the necessary motivation for learning, nor enhances the partici~ation of adult learners in the programme. The task is to create the enabling environment for harnessing and enhancing learner-related factors that influence the learners' participation. The Agency' 5 deli very of programmes is necessary, however the learnerfactors are equally important, and so should not be neglected in the process of Adult Functional Literacy. The research set out to investigate the factors, which enhance women learners' participation in the ongoing Mass Literacy and Social Change Programme (MASSLIP) of the NonFormal Education Division (NFED) in Nima-Maamobi, Accra. The Study used survey method to collect data from one hundred and sixteen learners from six adult functional literacy classes in the Nima-Maamobi area of the East Ayawaso sub-district of Accra. Below are findings of the study. 1. Effective communication of literacy programme goal and objectives to learners improved theirperception of functional literacy benefits hence their participation. 2. Community-based and personalized literacy programme sustained the programme and the interest of both the learner and the Agency. 3. The less useful learners in the programmes found studies the greater their pre-disposition to abandon the programme all together. 4. Factors that influenced women learners of adult functional literacy programmes were mainly internal and external. And the third factor was interaction between the two. The most influential of the factors was more biased toward the internal factors. It is recommended that functional literacy be made more learner friendly, utilizing such internal factors as to enhance their participation.
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    The impact of SSNIT pension scheme on retired workers in Accra
    (University of Ghana, 1999-08) Nagetey, M.
    The SSNIT Pension scheme was instituted (coverted from Provident Fund) in 1991 with the promulgation of PNDC Law 247 to pay benefits in the event of some specified contingencies namely: old age, death and invalidity. The study focused on the old age benefits paid to retired workers (contributors) which is deemed as a replacement of their lost income. Benefits paid range between fifty and eighty percent of ones best three years' salary. Though the system has been in operation for some time now, its impact has not been well felt due to the low levels of pension income paid to majority of its beneficiaries. The main cause of these low pension levels has been the general poverty level in the country to make matters worse, economy-wide factors such as high inflationary rates, high cost of living erode the real incomes of the pensioners. Hence, post-retirement life is extremely difficult for the vast majority. The objective of the study was therefore to find out other supplementary benefits that pensioners might require from the scheme to ease the effect of inflation on their real incomes. Perhaps it is expedient for Management of the scheme to review the scheme to respond to the demands of its retired workers by offering some supplementary benefits. In addition, there is the need for the institution of other complementary schemes to ensure adequate income to enable retired workers live a meaningful post-retirement life