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A long essay or dissertation or thesis involving personal research, written by postgraduates of University of Ghana for a university degree.
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Item The Bureau Of African Affairs In The Kwame Nkrumah Administration From 1951 - 1966 With a (Descriptive) Guide For Its Archives(University Of Ghana, 1990-09) Mensah, T.J.JThe events that took that place of African Affairs may be said to have been motivated by the realization that new states if Africa, though independent, were constrained by the international environment, but that within those constraints ( and others dictated by physical resources and human capabilities), there remained a degree of choice for African leaders to fashion their government,s policies to meet continental demands. Consequently, Kwame Nkrumah establish the Bureau of African Affairs in order to expedite the Fulfilment of the pan-African dream for the achievement of the total liberation of Africa from alien rule and domination, and for the enhancement of the dignity of the blackman anywhere in the world. Strictly speaking this study is not yet another thesis on Kwame Nkrumah. Rather, it is a b study of an almost forgotten, but nonetheless important political institution established under his administration in pursuit of his African objectives. Inspite of the acclaimed achievements of the bureau of African Affairs in the sphere of African liberation, the organization collapsed with the government which gave birth to it. It dubbed as an organ of Nkrumah,s subversive activities in Africa. The discusses the evolution of the burean in Ghana and Shows the impediments it encountered in adapting its methods to face the challenges of the changes envisaged by the pan-African ideal on the continent. In addition, the records drawn up or used during the bureau s administrative or executive transactions have been appraised and described in this study. Finally, the study makes a number of conclusions regarding the fashioning of the bureau to play the role of coordinating aid to African Liberation MovementsItem Evaluation of the Hydrogeological Relationship between Monitoring and Production Boreholes in the Upper West Region. Ghana(University of Ghana, 1996-11) Norgbe, B.Y.To evaluate the hydrogeological relationship between monitoring and production boreholes in the Upper West region of Ghana, a total of 192 boreholes were studied. Out of these, 23 are monitoring boreholes and 169 are production boreholes. The types of aquifers being tapped by these boreholes have also been identified to determine the adequacy of the existing network of the monitoring boreholes. The region is underlain by basement complex rocks. The rocks are composed of granites, granodiorites and granite-gneisses. Metamorphosed volcanic. schists and phyllites of the Birimian formation occur along the western pollution of the study area. Three aquifer types were identified from geologic logs and drillers logs in the Upper West region. These are the weathered rock aquifers, the fractured unweathered rock aquifers and the fractured Quartz vein aquifers. These aquifers are inter-related and where they occur in combination with thick overburden, yields are enhanced in such boreholes. Statistical analysis; such as correlation and regression analyses were used to determine the relationship between the borehole properties, while the Theis (1935) Recovery and Cooper-Jacob (1946) methods were used to calculate the aquifer characteristics. There is a significant relationship between overburden thickness and yields in the study area. About ninety percent of the boreholes studied have overburden thicknesses exceeding 15m with yields of not less than 10 I/min. General}". yields range between 4.5 IImin. and 270 I/min in the 192 boreholes~. The mean and standard deviation are 25.4 I/min and 20.3 I/min respectively. Close values of the mean and standard deviation of the borehole yields indicate the heterogeneous nature of aquifers in the area. An average decline of 4.1 m in static water levels was observed in the region. This was attributed to reduced recharge:. low rainfall, high rates of evapotranspiration, increased surface run-off and excessive withdrawal of water from the boreholes. Transmissivity values computed using the Cooper-Jacob(l946) method ranges from 1.2 ml/day to log.2 mI /day in 47 boreholes. The mean and standard deviation values are 35.2 ml/day and 30.1 ml/day respectively. The closeness of these values, again explains the wide variations and extremity in transmissivity values of basement rock aquirers In the Upper-West region. The Theis(193S) Recovery method was used to compute the transmissivity values of six boreholes. The values range from 19.5 to 213.4 ml/day, while those calculated using the Cooper-Jacob (l946) solution technique from the same boreholes range between 24.5 and 183.4 ml/day. It was noted that more accurate transmissivity values were obtained rrom the Theis (1935) Recovery method than obtained from the Couper-Jacob (1946) method. Step-drawdown results used to calculate the borehole efficiencies of five boreholes after one hour of pumping indicate that none of the boreholes analyzed have inefficiencies exceeding 75% in the study area. Finally, the studies indicate that there exists virtually little or no hydrogeological relationship between ninety, percent of the monitoring; boreholes and the production boreholes; hence the 23 monitoring: boreholes established across the region are not adequately monitoring the groundwater levels of the area. They are also not representative of the production boreholes in the study area.Item Some Problems of Second Language Acquisition (With Special Reference to the Written English of Ghanaian Students in Secondary Schools)(University of Ghana, 1988-01) Hyde, F.B.Item The Influence of the Brukung Cult in the Social Organization of Shiare(University of Ghana, 1979-06) Pollock, R.Item Variation in English Phrasal Verbs in the Written English Ghanaian Secondary School Students(University of Ghana, 1991-12) Ahadzie, E.S.Item The Effects of Different Methods of Salting on the Quality of Salted Fish(University of Ghana, 1996-06) Dowuona, S.Samples of fresh Tilapia (Tilapia species) and Redfish (Sparidae species) were salted using the pickle and kench curing methods. The salted fish were then dried using solar and air-drying methods. Standard methods were used to determine the effects of processing and dryinq methods on the chemical composition of the processed fish. With the uptake of salt by the fiah, the ash content increased significantly during processing, with resultant decreases in the fat, protein and moisture contents. Fat decrease was alao partly attributed to dripping of liquified fat during drying as well as chemical oxidation of the fat. Protein losses were also partly due to proteolysis of the protein as well as denaturation. The extent of the differences in moisture, fat and protein between the pickled and kenched samples were not significant except for ash and salt contents. Sensory evaluation using the rank method and analyaed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) showed that the kench cured and airdried samples are more acceptable, whiles pickle cured and solar dried samples are least acceptable with respect to texture, odour and appearance. The salted dried Tilapia samples were also found to have a longer shelf-life than the similarly treated Redfish samples.Item Development and Quality Evaluation of Pre-Gelatinized Instant Weaning Foods Based on Cereals and Legumes(University of Ghana, 1991-07) Abotsi, S.K.Item Development of Precooked Foods Process and Product Evaluation(University of Ghana, 1983-06) Masopeh, E.A pre-cooked food has developed from cornmeal and cowpead flour . The cowpea seeds were germinated and also dehulled. Control seeds of these treatments were made. Method used in the preparation of the product was steaming and traditional roasting in the earthen- ware mashing boul. Chemical analysis on the products Showed that the product developed had a higher protein content than cornmeal . Evaluation of the functional characteristics revealed that the water absorbed by the products increased with an increase in the number of germination days . The undehulled products also absorbed water and swelled more than the dehulled products. This ws attributed to the presence of the seed coat in the undehulled sead products. There was not much difference in the water absorption and swelling properties with respect to the levels of corn and cowpea. Viscoamylograph runs showed no change in the gelatinisation of the germinated seed products , however there was a little increase in the viscosity of the ungerminated seed product during the holding and cooling sections. Sensory evaluation of the corn-cowpea product showed that the product was acceptable. Anaalysis of variance calculations showed a significant (p~ 0.01) effect of dehulling and cersination on the colour, odor, flavor and tho beneral acceptability of the nroducts The panelists could detect differences in the different products subjected to the different treatments. A second product similar to the corn-cowpea product was developed from corndough. Fermented and unfermented corndough were used. Functional characteristics analysis showed a high water absorption and swelling of unfermented corndough products. Analysis on the product Showed no significant difference in the colour, odor etc . of the fermented and unfermented corndough products . However, the unfermented corndough product was more acceptable.Item Evaluation of the Reference Service of the University of Cape Coast Library(University of Ghana, 1992-09-30) Opoku, E.The study puts under critical analysis the reference service of the University of Cape Coast library and the extent it goes to ensure the maximum use of the library's resources by the clientele, as well as the satisfaction derived from the service. However, the study revealed that the extent to which the reference department can go to fulfil its stated objectives, and satisfy user needs are hampered by inadequate resources inputs (like current literature, diverse and reliable services, enough qualified personnel) and dwindling facilities in the face of growing demands. Finally, some recommendations were made on how to overcome these problems.Item Studies on the Role of the Coleopteran Species Callosobrochus Maculatus Fab., Sitophilus Zeamais Mots. And Tribolium Castaneum Herbst. In The Dispersal of Fungi among Stored Grains of Maize (Zea Mays L.) And Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) And Seeds Of Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata Walp.) And Bambara Groundnut (Vigna Subterranea L.) Verdc](University of Ghana, 1995-12) Badu-Yeboah, K.Seven Aspergillus species, A . clavatus, A . flavus, A.fumigatus, A. niger, A . ochraceus, A. sulpl1ureus and A. ustus have been used to investigate the role of three Coleopteran insect pests, namely, Callosobrochus maculatus, sitopl1ilus zeamais and Tribolium castaneum in the persistance and spread of contaminant fungi among grains of maize (Zea mays) and rice (oryza sativa) and seeds of bambara groundnut (vigna subterranea) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) . The Aspergillus species were among fungi isolated from the grains and seeds. Bambara groundnut seeds on saIe at Kaneshie , La, Madina, Makola and Mallam Atta markets in Accra district contained species of Absidia, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Neurospora, Paecilomyces, Penicillium and PIll lularia. The dominant genera were Aspergillus and Penicillium represented by five and [our species, respectively, and the dominant species were Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus niger . The predominant apecles of rowpea seeds from the same markets were Aspergillus £lnvus Jere Aspergillus oryzae, Cladosporium herbarum, Penicillium cl1rysogenum and Penicillium expansum. Although all the . seven As pergillus species could grow on insect body leachate agar prepared >J i th leacha te of the three insect pests, the conidia of some of them could germinate in the leacha te of only some of the insects. only A. flavus and A. ocl1raceus condidia germinated in all the three leachates. Germination of the conidia of all the species occurred , anY>Jay, in leachates containing extracts of various tissues of seeds (axis of the embryo , cotyledon and testa) and extracts of grains. Conidia of all the species germinated in solution of dissolved faecal pellets of Callosobrochus maculatus, while conidia of 11.. clavatus, A. ocl1raceus and A . sulplJureus only germinated in the solution of dissolved faecal pellets of Sitophilus zeamais and conidia of also three species, 11. . clavatus, A . flavus and A. ochraceus germinated in the solution of faecal pellets of Tribolium castaneum. Aspergillus flavus conidia adhering to the bodies of sitoplJilus zeamais and Tribolium castaneum were transported through maize grains packed in wide glass tubes. The amount of the conidia detached as the insects moved depended on the size of the spaces among the grains and the frequency of contact between the insects and the grains. s. zeamais lost 87.8, 8~.7 and 76.7 percent of the original load of conidia as the insects travelled over 100cm through grains measuring 5.3-8.3 x 4.04-7.3mm, 8.1-10.2 x 6.0-8.2mm and 9.5-12 . 2 x 7.5-9.5mm, respectively. The corresponding figures for conidia on T. castaneulll 'vere, 88.5, 87.9 and 82.8 per cent respectively. Dead insect bodies were invaded by many fungi despite the presence of large populations of sur face bacter ia. The colonyforming- units of bacteria recorded for C. lIlaculatus, S. zeamais and T. castaneum per ml of suspending medium immediately after death were 27 . 5 x 10', 281 x 10' and 104.5 x 10' respectively i and six days later they were 37.8 x 1~, 5.0 x 1~ and zero, respectively. On the sixth day, Aspergillus flavus was isolated from the bodies of all the three insect pests. In addition, Aspergillus niger, Mucor sp., Rhizopus sp. and Trichoderma Viride were isolatC2.cI ·: c_,: from C. lIlaculatus . , Aspergillus niger and Curvularia sp. from S. zeam~ is and Clasdosporiulll sp. from T. castaneulll. The mycelium growing in the bodies after death might have arisen from inoculum either on the surface of the body or in the gut . For, the gut of the insects had extensive mycoflora. Fourteen, thirteen and sixteen fungal species were isolated from the gut of C. maculatus, S. aeolllois and T. castaneum, respectively. The predominant genera were Aspergillus and Penicillium and five species, namely Aspergillus £lavus, Aspergillus fumigatus, Cladosporium herbarum, PellicilliJ.J.m citinum and Penicillium purpurogenum were isolated from the guts of all the three insect pests. Three Aspergillus species red experimentally to the insects persisted for different lengths of time in the guts. A. flavus was isolated 6,8, and 5 days respectively, after feeding the insects, from the guts of C. maculatus, s. zeamais and T. castaneum. The corresponding survival periods for A . fumigatus were 4,6 and 5 days respecti vely, and for A. oC/lraceus, 6,4 and 3 days respectively. It was concluded that products and dead bodies of the insects would contribute to the persistence of the contaminant fungi and living insects would be responsible for both persistence and dispersal of the fungi in stored grains and seeds. Persistence and dispersal of the fungi could be reduced by measures which control the insect pest popUlation, by periodic removal of dead insect bodies especially in comparatively smaller stocks kept i.n the markets and by exposure of the products to light to drive the insects to the dark base and discourage the frequent migration.