Heritage Materials

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These materials consist primarily of the African, Furley and Folio collections which are being kept at the Africana section of the Balme Library, University of Ghana. Furley and Folio were Dutch writers in the colonial period in the history of Ghana


The collection includes documentary materials relating to the history of Ghana, old books, maps, engravings, pamphlets and manuscripts but most of all archival material. Some portions of the Furley collection contains essays on the local history, customs histories and constitutions of the various tribes of the Gold Coast which was later published in two slim volumes by Welman on Ahanta and Peki


Furley presented his enormous collection of documentary materials of various kinds to the library of the University College of the Gold Coast. After his death, his widow added to this collection some materials which Furley had collected in the last years of his life



Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 26
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    Report of the Committee appointed to investigate the Possibility of Establishing a Permanent Bureau of African Industries.
    (Government Printing Office, Accra, Gold Coast., 1934) Government of Gold Coast
    In the course of their deliberations, the Committee have been impressed by the large number of local crafts and industries the germs of which already exist in the Gold Coast and which need organisation and direction for development. There are in addition many crafts and industries which exist in other tropical countries and which can and should be introduced to the people of the Gold Coast.
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    Despatch relating to the Oil Palm Industry with particular reference to a Subsidy Scheme for Palm Oil Mills
    (Government Printing Office, Gold Coast., 1930) Government of Gold Coast
    I have the honour to address Your Lordship on the subject of the Oil Palm industry in this Colony and to seek your approval of a scheme where under the United Africa Company propose, with the help of a Government subsidy, to make an experiment in developing that industry on modern lines.
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    Further Correspondence relating to Affairs in Ashanti.
    (Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, London., 1896-02) Government of Gold Coast
    In order to avoid any possible misrepresentations on the subject which might have been telegraphed to England, as was the case with regard to the mission to Ashanti and Gaman under the charge of Assistant Inspector Lethbridge, I added to my telegram of the 7th instant* to your Lordship the following words: - " Expedition " will leave at once for Prah for the purpose of interning Dadiassies."
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    Principal Recommendations of the Lidbury Commission (An indigenous civil service)
    (Government Printer, 1951) Government of Gold Coast
    This is the first of a series of pamphlets summarizing and explaining some of the recommendations of the Lidbury Report. The pamphlets are issued under the authority of the Chief Secretary’s Office and are intended, until printed copies of the full Report are available, to assist the Public in its study of the more important subjects discussed in the Report.
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    Report of the Commission of Enquiry into the Gold Coast Co-Operative wholesale Establishment Limited March 1954 Volume III
    (Government Printing Department -Gold Coast, 1954) Government of Gold Coast
    We have now completed our audit of the books end records or the Gold Coast Co-operative Whole8ale Establishment Limited for the year ended 27th June, 1953, and attach hereto Balanco Sheet a6 at 27th June, 1953, together with Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ending that date and the following schedule
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    Report of the Commission of Enquiry into the Gold Coast Co-Operative Wholesale Establishment Limited March 1954
    (Government of Gold Coast, 1954) Government of Gold Coast
    We were appointed on the 19th day of May 1953, as Commissioners under the Commissions of Enquiry Ordinance (CAP. 209) to carry out an investigation into the Co-operative Wholesale Establishment Limited? (hereinafter referred to as the C.W.E.). Our terms of reference were as fol1ows:- "To enquire into and report upon (a) the financial position and trading methods of the Gold Coast Co-operative Wholesale Establishment Limited; and (b) any irregularities in the operation of the affairs of the Gold Coast Co-operative Wholesale Establishment Limited which come to light in the course of the enquiry". 2. We commenced our hearings on the 26th day or May~ 19539 and sat in Accra from the 26th to the 29th of Mayo We then9 with the Governor's permission? adjourned further hearings until the 21st September, 1953, as one of the Commissioners (Mr. Hinterman) was proceeding on leave, and also to enable certain audits and investigations to be carried out.
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    Report of the Education Committee 1937-1941
    (Government of Gold Coast, 1942) Government of Gold Coast
    At a meeting of the Board of Education on the 19th: March 1937 it was decided that a Committee should be appointed with the following terms of reference: To examine the existing educational system in the Gold Coast and to make recommendations where necessary for its modification.
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    Report on land disputes in the Adansi division, obuasi district Ashanti.
    (Government of Gold Coast, 1909) Government of Gold Coast
    The history of the Adansi division is one of endless land disputes and bitter Recrimination. Its present energies are dissipated in squabble s and bickering Which reflect little credit on the chiefs and elders concerned, and which effectively? Strangle at its inception any concerted effort at social and political development.