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    Information Systems Evaluation in Ghanaian Academic Libraries Using DandM IS Success Model
    (Library Philosophy and Practice, 2021) Ocloo, P.E.D.; King, L.
    The use of Information Systems (ISS) has been widely accepted and proven to increase service quality in many organizations. Academic libraries have embraced the use of ISs and have implemented them to perform different activities. The efficient utilization and management of ISs in libraries will help libraries derive maximum benefit from adopted ISs. The researchers therefore used the DeLone and McLean IS success theory to determine the impact of IS management on the quality of the IS and the use of the IS. The researchers solicited responses using questionnaires from all the staff members who use any electronic system in libraries that were purposively selected. The research revealed that the management of ISs affects the quality thereof. The quality of ISs affects use, and use affects the benefits gained from use.
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    Marketing Of Information Products And Services Of Public Libraries In Ghana
    (University Of Ghana, 2022-07) Korletey-Tene, E.K.
    Libraries and information provision centres have changed over the years with heavy investments to keep them operational whilst updating their collections. Public libraries specifically have a huge client base ranging from toddlers to the elderly. However, they are faced with intensive competition to keep and grow their clienteles as user demands are increasingly making it attractive for businesses to venture into information service delivery. This study looked into the marketing tools being deployed by public libraries in the marketing of their services and products. It also looked at the challenges librarians faced whilst deploying marketing in their service deliveries. The study surveyed a total of 66 regional and Branch librarians of Ghana Library Authority as well as 270 registered users of the libraries. Questionnaires were used as the main data collection instrument whilst questions were structured based on the objectives for the study. The findings from the study showed that respondents had knowledge of the benefits of library marketing and had some form of training. It further revealed that some form of marketing is being deployed by the various libraries with social media being the major tool of deployment. Users also affirmed that they have witnessed the deployment of some marketing tools such as usage of Exhibitions and Fairs, Periodic Newsletters, etc. The study also revealed inadequate marketing skills, lack of funding amongst others as the major challenge hindering the full utilisation of the marketing tools. Based on the findings from the study, it was recommended that the library should increase its presence on the most Social Media Network sites whilst also undertaking training for its staff. It was further recommended by all participants for the library to adopt the use of electronic advertisement as well as deployment of Bulk SMS to market the services of the library.
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    Service Quality Perceptions And Expectations Of Library Users: A Comparative Study Of Accra And Kumasi Technical Universities
    (University of Ghana, 2020-10) Aggor
    Technical universities have been embraced as conduits for delivering technical-oriented education in Ghana. Library service delivery is going to play a critical role in ensuring quality technical university education. Comparative research assessing library service delivery in technical universities in Ghana is limited. This study conducted a comparative analysis of library users’ service expectations and how they perceive the quality of library services they receive at both Accra Technical University (ATU) and Kumasi Technical University (KsTU). Four objectives were assessed; extent of library use, perception of quality of library service delivery, user satisfaction among the library users and challenges faced in accessing library services. A sample of 250 respondents were selected from both universities, comprising 136 from KsTU and 114 from ATU. The findings showed that library use is low in both technical universities. However, library use was lower in KsTU than in ATU. Also, the perception of library quality and satisfaction with library services were relatively higher in KsTU, as compared to ATU. Respondents in KsTU rated their satisfaction with library services higher than those in ATU. The challenges of library service delivery were found to be more severe in ATU than in KsTU. The study recommends embarking on library use awareness drive particularly in KsTU. There is also the need for provision of library facilities, running information literacy training, and digitization of library services, especially in ATU.
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    The Use of E-Books for Learning and Research by Postgraduate Students in Ghana: A Study of The University of Ghana and the Ghana Technology University College
    (University of Ghana, 2020-10) Pobi, E.K.
    Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has become a significant strategic area for libraries to provide quality service to meet their users’ needs. In the bid to improve service delivery, the use of ICT is gradually replacing the manual way of providing service to library users. The ICT that is being used to provide services has proven to be a key to the success of most university libraries by providing new services such as e-books. The study was undertaken to identify the awareness and use of e-books for learning and research by postgraduate students in Ghana. Key aims of the research were to discover the level of awareness of e-books, the level of use, factors that influence the utilization of e-books, benefits/importance of the use of e-books, perception and attitudes towards the use of e-books, challenges faced in the use of e-books by the postgraduate students from the University of Ghana (UG) and the Ghana Technology University College (GTUC). Data were collected through the use of a questionnaire. Proportionate sampling was used to select 200 postgraduate students to participate in the study. Out of the 200 copies of the questionnaires administered, 150 were completed and returned translating into a 75% response rate. In general, the majority of 86.6% and 94.3% respectively of the students from both UG and GTUC, indicated awareness of the existence of e-books. Again, the majority of 87.6% and 75.5% from both UG and GTUC respectively actually used e-books for learning and research activities. Furthermore, most of the students used e-books for academic work. However, majority of 66% respondents from UG were not given any training in the use of the e-books, though the behavioural intention to use them showed a positive sign as against 64.2% from GTUC who were given training in the use of e-books. The study revealed that, the major challenge faced by most of the students, that is, 84.5% and 92.5% from both UG and GTUC respectively when accessing the e-books was lack of stable internet. Notwithstanding the challenges the postgraduate students faced in the use of the e-books, they indicated that they found the utilization of e-books very convenient, easy to use and that e-books can be accessed 24/7 (twenty-four hours a day). The research recommended that both the UG and the GTUC faculty should encourage and include e-books as reading texts for their students. Secondly, the challenge of low and unstable internet should be dealt with by the institutions by providing fast Wifi access at the campuses and to extend the bandwidth in order to increase fast access to the e-books.
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    Collection Security in Selected Private University Libraries in Ghana
    (University of Ghana, 2020-11) Amankwah, D.N.
    Collection is an important component of the library as it is the base upon which a library adds value and provides essential services to its users. Collection security is designed in order to protect library collections against unauthorized access. The study sought to identify collection security issues, find out the existing security threats, determine staff and user awareness of security, verify if there was a collection security policy and examine the collection security measures in place. The study was guided by the Collection Security Management Model. The study employed an exploratory case study to help in the better understanding of the topic under investigation. A questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data from a sample size of 297 respondents. In addition, thirteen (13) library staff from Valley View University and Ghana Technology University College, now Ghana Communication Technology University were interviewed. The study found that the two libraries had security problems caused by lack of awareness of rules and regulations, lack of proper orientation to users on the use of the library collection, insufficient library collection for users, ignorance and lack of adequate punishment to serve as a deterrent to others and self-interest. Further, the study found a low level of awareness of security in the two libraries due to lack of training of staff and orientation for users. More also, the research showed that there was a functional collection security policy, but the issue was in relation to adhering to the policy. Finally, the research found that users were aware of human and technological measures put in place by both Valley View and Ghana Communication Technology Universities. It was recommended that the two libraries should provide adequate staff training. In addition, they should engage in orientation and awareness creation programmes for users and staff. The two libraries must adopt effective collection security policies, provision of physical and technological security systems and ensure the collective responsibility of all stakeholders.
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    An Evaluation of Library Automaton in Some Ghanaian University Libraries
    (University of Ghana, 2002-08) Amekuede, J.K.
    Automation in libraries has had far-reaching effects on everyday practices and librarianship as a profession. The use of computers in libraries has had and it is continuing to have a profound effect on all aspects of library and information work. As more information is made available in a variety of formats and in a variety places, the need to manage information effectively becomes critical. And for university libraries to maintain their positions as the University's information centre, they will have to play leading roles in the technological revolution. This thesis is an evaluation of library automation in Ghana's university libraries. The study was undertaken to find out which library processes have been automated in Ghana's three older university libraries namely, the Balme Library, the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology(KNUST) Library and the University of Cape Coast (UCC) Library. Relevant literature in the area of automation was revised. Using data obtained through the use of questionnaires and interviews, the study examined areas of general automation, automation of specific library processes, networking, internet connectivity, training, the future of library automation at the University libraries and major constraints to library automation. The sampling technique used in study is the purposive sampling method. This sampling technique allowed the researcher to use his skill and prior knowledge to choose respondents. Using this technique, the following samples were selected; 59 for Balme Library, 35 for KNUST Library and 44 for UCC library. The libraries of the three older universities in Ghana, that is, the Balme Library, University of Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology library, the University of Cape Coast library were chosen as the focus of the study because they have embarked on automation of their library processes. The study found out that even though the university libraries realize the importance of library automation, they are hampered by lack of funds, lack of support from the university administrations and lack of skilled staff to embark on the automation of all library processes. It was also revealed that none of the libraries have an OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue). The study concludes with recommendations that would enhance the university libraries drive towards automation of their library processes and ensure effective and efficient use of the new technology to raise the image of the libraries and give their library clients more services. The following recommendations are made based on the findings of this research. The recommendations are made to serve as a guide to all libraries in general and especially university libraries in Ghana which intend to automate their library processes. The recommendations are for University Administrators, University Librarians, Librarians and policy makers. 1. Since there can be no library automation without computers and their accessories, the required number of computers and accessories should be purchased for the university libraries. In fact, the libraries should be allowed to purchase computers of their choice. 2. In addition, the libraries should also make sure that they purchase the latest computers on the market if they are allowed to do the purchases themselves because the information technology market is in a state of flux. Computers in the library should be used for automation of library processes. 3. Sufficient funds should be made available by the university administrations to fund automation projects. 4. Library software is very important in library automation. It is recommended that Library software for all library processes should be acquired. Librarians should be taught skills, which will enable them identify appropriate software for their library needs. They can also be taught how to write in-house software for their libraries especially in sections where their collections are not so large. 5. The evaluation revealed that even though all the university libraries have strategic plans, these plans have not been updated to take care of current trends. It is recommended that these strategic plans should be updated regularly and be implemented within time frames. 6.Some of the university libraries evaluated do not have an Electronic Support Unit. It is recommended that as a matter of urgency all these libraries should engage the services of a system analyst and set up Electronic Support Units. Without this support, problems associated with computer hardware and software and access problems cannot be easily or quickly solved. Such a unit can also increase the scope of IT products and other activities in the libraries. 7. Local Area Networks (LAN) should be set up in all the university libraries. LANs can also be very useful when these libraries have Online Public Access Catalogues (OPACs) because library users can then search the library's catalogue anywhere in the library. 8.Library staff should be made aware of ongoing projects in the library, especially those to do with automation, so as to create the awareness and feeling of belonging. The staff, on the other hand, should be curious about things going on in the library concerning automation. 9. More often than not when people talk of automation, they are referring to hardware and software, ignoring the human aspects of automation, specifically staff and user training. The study revealed that none of the libraries surveyed has a firm training programme in place. It is therefore, recommended that a training programme should be in place in all the university libraries. The training should be ongoing because when we automate, we are not only learning how to use the automated system; we are in fact learning new jobs. No operation is better than its personnel. The advancement of individuals who operate library automation programmes is a critical element in the success of automation.
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    Managing Public Sector Records in Ghana: A Survey of Selected Ministries
    (University of Ghana, 2020-10) Adanuvor, D.
    Records are vital in every organization. Efficient records management enhances transparency, accountability and efficient service delivery. The study investigated the management of public sector records in some selected ministries in Ghana. The study focused on professional and subprofessional records officers specifically in fourteen ministries. The professional class are records personnel with educational qualification from degree to post graduate while the subprofessional class are officers with diploma, West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) and Ordinary and Advanced level holders. The ministries included Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration (MOFARI), Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Works and Housing, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Attorney General and Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Roads and Highways, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Railways and Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development. The study was based on the following objectives; to assess the role of records management policies and strategies in the managing records in the ministries, to assess the processes that were employed to make public records accessible, to find out methods used to preserve records in the ministries, to ascertain the skills of those in charge of the management of records, to identify barriers associated with the management of records, to make recommendations based on the findings of the study. A survey research design was used to carry out the study. A total of 120 participants was used for the study. A total of 120 copies of questionnaires were administered proportionally and 100 were successfully retrieved. The Study was guided by the modified records life cycle process. The findings revealed that ministries in Ghana did not have records management policies that regulated their activities, thus placing the direction of records management under the control of the Administration. Under the strategies used in managing records, the study revealed the classification systems used for records, the categories of records kept, the format of records and storage conditions for records. Also, the study revealed that most ministries did not have a written disaster management plan to follow in dealing with disasters, but they periodically fumigated their records offices to prevent the infestation of documents as a form of preservation and also had adequate space to keep records. Steel drawers, wooden cabinets and metal shelves were used for keeping records. Further, the study revealed that most records staff had no formal training in records or archives management. Training received was in the form of on-the-job training, workshops and seminars. Training needs of the records staff identified included management of electronic records. However, effective records management revealed through the study was beset with many barriers including budget constraints, lack of infrastructure, lack of skilled records staff, resistance to change, and lack of management support. To improve good records management practices that will ensure good standards and service delivery, the study has made some recommendations. With regards to ensuring good standards and practices, the ministries should liaise with PRAAD to develop a records management policy as well as a procedure manual to outline the procedures and practices for managing records throughout their life cycle. The ministries should liaise with PRAAD and the Civil Service Training Centre to organize training programmes for records staff. The study recommends that management should fully support the work of records staff with adequate funds to perform their functions effectively.
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    Academic Library Service Quality and User Satisfaction: A Survey af Distance Education Students and Faculty in Public Universities in Ghana
    (University of Ghana, 2020-10) Bubuama, C.K.A.
    Universities in Ghana are positioning themselves to expand their distance education. Quality Library services that adequately meet the information needs of distance education students and tutors is a critical component of ensuring quality distance education. This study investigated academic library service quality and user satisfaction among distance education students and tutors. Data was gathered using survey. A sample of 335 distance education students and tutors was conveniently selected from IDL-KNUST, ICDE-UG, CODE-UCC and IEDE-UEW. The findings from the study showed that the frequency of library use was high in ICDE-UG and moderate in IDL-KNUST, CODE-UCC and IEDE-UEW. Borrowing books and reading personal notes dominated reasons for visiting the library. In CODE-UCC, majority of the respondents indicated visiting the library to read for pleasure. In terms of quality library services, respondents from ICDE-UG rated their library resources and services highest, followed by IDL-KNUST, CODE-UCC and IEDE-UEW. Respondents from ICDE-UG rated their library resources and services highest on reliability, responsiveness, empathy, accessibility and tangibility. Respondents from IEDE-UEW rated their institution highest on assurance of library services. Respondents from ICDE-UG rated highest on all the indicators of user satisfaction, followed by IEDE-UEW, IDLKNUST and CODE-UCC. Library resources and service delivery were found to be most challenging in IDL-KNUST, followed by CODE-UCC and IEDE-UEW. ICDE-UG was rated least in terms of challenges of library resources and service delivery. It is recommended that continuous competency training, information literacy courses, expansion of electronic resources and offcampus access, as well as adopting customer care model be instituted to improve library service delivery for distance education students and tutors.
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    Stress Management in Technical University Libraries: A Study of Takoradi and Cape Coast Technical Universities
    (University of Ghana, 2020-10) Aminu, Y.J.
    The purpose of this study was to examine stress management activities among professional and para professional staff of Cape Coast and Takoradi Technical University Libraries. The aim was to identify the sources, effects and the coping strategies of stress adopted by staff. The study adopted the descriptive survey design with a qualitative approach. Samples of fifteen (15) participants were used for the study. Interview was the main data collection method and the qualitative data gathered was analysed thematically. The study revealed that inadequate resources, unruly user behavior, and attitude of colleagues and lack of funding among others were the main sources of stress. The study further revealed that stress had effects on the staff’s personal lives and performance. Again, the study revealed that staff used various personal methods such as taking a walk, sharing their problem with others, sporting activities, relaxation and prayers in coping with stress. It was recommended that authorities provide these resources needed to enable them work effectively and efficiently to satisfy the information needs of their client and also reduce their stress levels. The establishment of counselling centers that will guide staff in managing their problems that caused stress, was also recommended.