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Item Assessing Quality Assurance Practices in Institutions of Higher Learnings(International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 2019) Dei, D.G.J.In the effort to globalize higher education services and embark on innovative knowledge production and dissemination aimed at fitting into the global scheme, quality assurance becomes the sine qua non. Quality assurance (QA) provides the tools and direction to improve the quality of knowledge created, stored, and shared at institutions of higher learning. This study assesses the development and practice of QA in institutions of higher learning (IHLs) in Ghana. The mixed research method was used to collect data from staff and officers of institutions of higher learning who are directly involved in ensuring quality in the institutions. Six (6) IHLs participated in this study. The results indicated a generally higher degree of awareness and understanding of the concept of QA at the institutions as all of them have a QA department. The institutions are putting in more effort to ensure quality by carrying out internal assessments as there are available policies and strategies aimed at ensuring quality at the institutions. This led to high service quality at the institutions except for the College of Health. Besides, the focused areas quality at the institutions: stated vision, mission; governance structure; statutes and conditions of service; academic and programs; clean and siren environment; staffing; and library, technology, and information services. Despite these, the study established that the quality assurance units of the institutions lacked the necessary resources (technology, library, staff, laboratories, etc) for effective quality assurance activities.Item Accessibility and Use of Library Resources in Balme Library, University Of Ghana(University of Ghana, 2010-06) Angono, B.E.The advent of information technology has led to information explosion and as such libraries are shifting from collection to access. Providing access to information has thus become the principal goal of libraries. Patrons enjoy using resources that are accessible and this is made possible by providing an enabling environment. This study attempts to evaluate accessibility and use of library resources in Balme Library, University of Ghana, Legon and to profile some suggestions to improve accessibility and use. Using the survey method, the researcher administered questionnaires to Level 400 students of the Department of Information Studies and the staff of Balme Library to elicit information from them. The findings indicated that the information literacy skills provided in Balme Library was not adequate enough to enable users make effective use of the resources. The study revealed that formats of documents such as audiovisua1 materials were not adequate. Furthermore, the study revealed that accessibility was hindered by mis-shelving; miscatalouguing; invisible call numbers; low bandwidth; inadequate information literacy skills; and inadequate workstations/computers. However, it was found that most of the users made use of the Online Public Access Catalogue hence justifying the huge surn of money spent on automation. It was also discovered that the existing enabling environment in the library was not conducive enough. To resolve the findings, several recommendations were advanced to improve accessibility and use of the resources in the Balme Library. Some of these recommendations are as follows: provision of adequate literacy skills; more workstations/computers; better staff strength through training; internet connectivity on campus to enable 'anytime and anywhere' access to Balme Library Online Public Access Catalogue(OPAC)Item Performance Measurement of university libraries A Case study of the university of education, Winneba (UEW) Library(University of Ghana, 2010) Jones, W.This study focused on the performance of the university of education library. The study tested the theory of service quality as proposed by zeithamla et al (1985) who explains the gap between an organization and its customer and their perception and expectation in relation to service quality. They make the point that only customers can judge quality all other judgments are irrelevant. To achieve this aim, the survey methodology was used to survey one hundred and fifteen users of the UEW library. The respondent were made up of fifty two undergraduates students, twenty graduates students, nineteen teaching and fifteen non-teaching staff. The study revealed that, while most of the users rated their perception of library service as either moderate or moderately high. These were not meeting in the most cases their desired or maximum service quality levels. The results further indicated that, the users were not satisfied with the physical facilities, the accuracy and dependability and willingness of staff to provide prompt services. Further even though the employees had a moderately high rating for knowledgeability. Users perceived staff courteousness to be below their desire and maximum service quality level. The same applied to the individualized attention that the various user categories received when they access library services. In addition, the results further indicated a bias by the UEW library in their service to the various user groups. The teaching and the non- teaching staff gave better rating than mostly the undergraduate and sometimes the post graduate students. The study concluded that generally the performance of the UEW library was not meeting the users desired and maximum service quality levels and that does not facilitate quality academic service. Therefore, in order to enhance the performance of the UEW library there is a need for the UEW authorities as a whole and the library in particular to create awareness on importance of and benefit to be derived from service quality performance measurement. The institution of formal performance measurement that see the views of users on how well the library is performing Also, UEW library should process and made aware of the results and its implications. This will ensure that not only will staff embrace the results and see it as a challenge to overcome but will also make the necessary adjustments to improve upon their service.Item Lending Services in Academic Libraries: Challenges and Prospects in the Balme Library, University of Ghana(University of Ghana, 2010) Debrah, K.BThe broad objective of this study was to access the prospects and challenges of lending services in the Balme Library of University of Ghana (UG), Legon. Lending services cannot be over emphasized especially for a central library like the Balme library. The library plays a critical role in enhancing the teaching, research and learning processes of several users apart from students. The researcher used questionnaires as a method for collecting data from the staff of the Balme library and post-graduate students offering Information Studies. A total of forty two questionnaires were administered to the post-graduate students whilst another set of questionnaires administered to fifty four library that were junior staff, senior members and senior staff. The main finding of the study were that, most students found the lending services rendered by this prestige library as not very satisfactory. Therefore, many users of the Balme library identified other options than using the library. The research also revealed that most of the library materials indicated on the catalogue could not be found on the shelves leading to more frustration on the part of the users. This invariably had affected students' academic work especially in the area of research and learning. Moreover, the researcher found out that automation of the library services had helped the library in several ways like easily identifying overdue items, calculating overdue fines, organization of materials and capturing statistics. Lastly, the findings showed that users were displeased for the short loan period which normally creates the problem of overdue fines. Normally borrowed books would have not been fully utilized as expected.Item Managing stress among library staff in public university libraries in Ghana(University of Ghana, 2017-07) Kodua-Ntim, K.The study aimed at investigating the causes and effects of stress encountered by library staff of University of Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and University of Cape Coast and the various strategies adopted by such staff to combat stress in their workplaces. Using the purposive, simple random and convenience sampling techniques, the researcher sampled 153 respondents from UG, KNUST and UCC to respond to the questionnaire and interview questions. Descriptive statistics (Means and Standard Deviation), inferential statistics (Multiple Regression and ANOVA) were used for the quantitative analysis while content thematic analysis was used for the qualitative analysis. The study among other things found that poor administrative support, lack of support systems, lack of in-service training and inadequate resources, anxiety and frustration, staff conflict, ill-health and smoking and drinking were the major causes of stress among public university library staff in Ghana. However, it was revealed that library staff also adopt numerous coping strategies such as taking time off work and leave, positive thinking, building strong human relationship and going for counselling in an attempt to manage their stress. It was recommended that universities institute proactive guidance and counselling measures, strong social support systems and compensation for additional work.Item Marketing of Library and Information Services in Selected Technical Universities in Ghana(University of Ghana, 2019-07) Mohammed, H.The study investigated into marketing of library and information services/resources in Sunyani, Kumasi and Tamale Technical universities in Ghana. Specifically, it dealt into areas of importance which covers the objectives of the study such as; need for marketing of library services, services/resources available in the selected libraries for marketing, techniques and tools being used by the selected libraries in marketing, competencies and skills required of information professionals in marketing of library services, measures for effective marketing of library services and challenges faced by the selected libraries in marketing their services. The 7p’s marketing mix theory was used. The study relied on both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection. Twenty (20) professional library staff were interviewed with the use of a structured interview schedule, while two hundred and eightyfour (284) students answered the questionnaire. Data collected from students was analyzed with the use of SPSS, while data from professional library staff was recorded, transcribed and interpreted. The findings revealed that respondents were fully aware of the benefits of the marketing concept and therefore the need for marketing of library services was greatly emphasized. The services/resources used by the selected libraries were found to be inadequate and the few ones available were not properly marketed due to inability of these libraries to properly use the right techniques and tools in marketing them. Inadequate facilities, lack of funds, lack of staff and knowledge of staff in marketing and lack of marketing policies were identified as major challenges faced by the selected libraries in marketing their services. Some recommendations were however suggested and include; advocate for more facilities and funds for marketing, increase collection of their libraries, increase number of staff and skills in marketing and develop best marketing policies, tools and techniques for effective marketing activities in their libraries.Item ICT Application in Teaching and Learning in Tertiary Institutions: A Case of University for Development Studies and Tamale Technical University(University of Ghana, 2019-07) Ofori, R.A.It is an undisputable fact that ICT play a very significant role in the development of every nation these days. This is because growth is stimulated by the flow of information and this consciousness has led most learning institutions into knowledge based ones. Hence, leading to easy access, quality teaching and learning, infrastructure provision as well as management efficiency. In spite of these, the potentials of ICT in teaching and learning has not been fully realized by many academic institutions. A Mixed method approach was used to carry out the study. Questionnaire was used to collect data from 570 respondents, comprising 62 Lecturers and 508 Students of UDS and TaTU. Interviews were also conducted for four management and ICT personnel of UDS and TaTU. The findings of the study indicated that ICT have not been widely integrated into the teaching and learning activities in UDS and TaTU. Some challenges identified were frequent Power fluctuation, lack of maintenance, low internet bandwidth, lack of pedagogical models on how to use ICT in teaching and learning and limited ICT skills of lecturers and students to fully integrate ICT. The study recommended that ICT trainings for lecturers and students should go beyond basics to advance and professional levels to aid practical integration of ICT in teaching and learning. ICT infrastructure provision and maintenance, and ICT service delivery should also be given priority in UDS and TaTU. The vigorous implementation and use of ICT facilities and services to its full potential will not only revolutionize teaching and learning in UDS and TaTU, but will also facilitate the development of lecturers and students' innate scientific inquiry mind and their critical thinking abilities.Item Change and Challenges in Library Service Provision: A Case Study of Central University College Library in Accra Ghana(University of Ghana, 2010-11) Hinson, D.The study examines user changes and challenges of academic libraries with emphasis on Central University College Library, Ghana. The study used multiple data sources from both the staff and patrons of the library, semi-structured questionnaire and analysed, using exploratory and descriptive statistics. The study found that the library provides traditional services in the area of circulating of materials, reservation of materials, provision of seating accommodation and information literature services. However, the provision of information and communication technology services, electronic database system and books are presently absent. Further, the library is challenged with inadequate computer facilities, absence of electronic library facilities and inadequate user instructions which consequently tend to limit patrons' access to varied information sources and thus affect their acquisition of knowledge from across the world. The study found that there is general desire by patrons for change in the provision of current library services, such as the provision of current reading materials that include books and journals, CD ROM and database. Also demanded are provision of computers, internet services to provide electronic library services as well as creating more seating capacity of the library. These challenges facing the library are the major reasons for change in the provision of services within the library system of the university. It was recommended that management provides adequate number of computers and more electronic library services to its patrons so that the information search and research needs can be facilitated. The need for the relocation of the library to a more spacious facility to enhance service provision is also advocated.Item Enhancing Teaching, Learning and Research: Assessment of the Impact of the Institutional Repository of the University for Development Studies, Tamale(University of Ghana, 2019-07) Ibrahim, A.K.The study assessed the impact of institutional repositories in enhancing teaching, learning and research in academic institutions. In particular, this study assessed the impact of the institutional repository of the University for Development Studies (UDS), Tamale, on teaching, learning and research in the university. The objectives were to assess the level of institutional repository (IR) awareness among faculty members and graduate students and the level of contribution of depositors to the institutional repository. The study also assessed the role of institutional repositories in teaching, learning and in the research lifecycle of faculty members and students of academic institutions. The study further examined the challenges that confront both faculty members and students in the utilization of the IR of UDS. Some appropriate recommendations for policy interventions based on the findings of the study to improve on the utilization of the institutional repository of the University for Development Studies, Tamale were made by the study. The study made use of both qualitative and quantitative data. The total sample population was 988 made up of faculty members, graduate students and the managers of the institutional repository on the four campuses of the university. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect the data for the study. The data obtained from the questionnaires was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 23 whilst the data from the interviews was analysed thematically. Data from the questionnaires were presented first followed by the data from the interviews. The major findings of the study reveal that there is high level of awareness amongst the faculty members and graduate students of the UDS. This high level of awareness has not yet translated into high deposits in the institutional repository, although the rate of submission is beginning to appreciate as compared to previous rates. Another major finding is that faculty members find it difficult to upload their documents themselves and have to rely on library staff to upload it for them. One other finding is that faculty members did not face challenges with copyright but were confronted with the fear of plagiarism. The lack of ICT infrastructure and lack of power generators were also some of the major findings of the study. It was recommended that training programmes are organised for faculty members to be able to do self-archiving. During such training programmes issues of plagiarism could be explained to the understanding of faculty members. There is, also the need for the university administration to install power generators on all the four campuses of the university. ICT connectivity and infrastructure should be improved by paying for more bandwidth and by providing more computers, scanners and printersItem Promoting Digital Inclusion in Ashanti Region: Assessment of the Adukrom and Asawasi Community ICT Centres(University of Ghana, 2019-07) Abah, M.Technology is an important tool of this present world; therefore there is a need for individuals to become digitally included to fit into today’s society. The study examined the role of Adukrom ICT Centre and the Asawasi Community ICT Centre in promoting digital inclusion among the people of Adukrom and Asawasi communities in Ashanti Region. The main objectives of this study were to determine the extent of awareness and use of the AIC and ACIC and the challenges the people face in the use of the centres. The quantitative survey research was adopted for this study. The target population comprised individuals in the Adukrom and Asawasi communities, and the managers of both ICT centres. The total population was 47,261. Convenience sampling technique was used for data collection with a sample size of 947. The findings revealed that all the sampled individuals from Adukrom and Asawasi were aware of the ICT centres and they became aware through television and friends. Despite the awareness however, they did not use the centres. Challenges such as poor computer skills, insufficient working hours, slow speed of computers and power outages were discovered. Considering these challenges, the study recommended that the managers of the ICT centres should embark on intensive advertisement on TV, radio and social media platforms to promote the centre and enlighten individuals about the type of services they offer which would also increase awareness of the centres. A further research could be conducted on digital inclusion for sustainable development in Oti region.