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Item An Evaluation of Library Automaton in Some Ghanaian University Libraries(University of Ghana, 2002-08) Amekuede, J.K.Automation in libraries has had far-reaching effects on everyday practices and librarianship as a profession. The use of computers in libraries has had and it is continuing to have a profound effect on all aspects of library and information work. As more information is made available in a variety of formats and in a variety places, the need to manage information effectively becomes critical. And for university libraries to maintain their positions as the University's information centre, they will have to play leading roles in the technological revolution. This thesis is an evaluation of library automation in Ghana's university libraries. The study was undertaken to find out which library processes have been automated in Ghana's three older university libraries namely, the Balme Library, the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology(KNUST) Library and the University of Cape Coast (UCC) Library. Relevant literature in the area of automation was revised. Using data obtained through the use of questionnaires and interviews, the study examined areas of general automation, automation of specific library processes, networking, internet connectivity, training, the future of library automation at the University libraries and major constraints to library automation. The sampling technique used in study is the purposive sampling method. This sampling technique allowed the researcher to use his skill and prior knowledge to choose respondents. Using this technique, the following samples were selected; 59 for Balme Library, 35 for KNUST Library and 44 for UCC library. The libraries of the three older universities in Ghana, that is, the Balme Library, University of Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology library, the University of Cape Coast library were chosen as the focus of the study because they have embarked on automation of their library processes. The study found out that even though the university libraries realize the importance of library automation, they are hampered by lack of funds, lack of support from the university administrations and lack of skilled staff to embark on the automation of all library processes. It was also revealed that none of the libraries have an OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue). The study concludes with recommendations that would enhance the university libraries drive towards automation of their library processes and ensure effective and efficient use of the new technology to raise the image of the libraries and give their library clients more services. The following recommendations are made based on the findings of this research. The recommendations are made to serve as a guide to all libraries in general and especially university libraries in Ghana which intend to automate their library processes. The recommendations are for University Administrators, University Librarians, Librarians and policy makers. 1. Since there can be no library automation without computers and their accessories, the required number of computers and accessories should be purchased for the university libraries. In fact, the libraries should be allowed to purchase computers of their choice. 2. In addition, the libraries should also make sure that they purchase the latest computers on the market if they are allowed to do the purchases themselves because the information technology market is in a state of flux. Computers in the library should be used for automation of library processes. 3. Sufficient funds should be made available by the university administrations to fund automation projects. 4. Library software is very important in library automation. It is recommended that Library software for all library processes should be acquired. Librarians should be taught skills, which will enable them identify appropriate software for their library needs. They can also be taught how to write in-house software for their libraries especially in sections where their collections are not so large. 5. The evaluation revealed that even though all the university libraries have strategic plans, these plans have not been updated to take care of current trends. It is recommended that these strategic plans should be updated regularly and be implemented within time frames. 6.Some of the university libraries evaluated do not have an Electronic Support Unit. It is recommended that as a matter of urgency all these libraries should engage the services of a system analyst and set up Electronic Support Units. Without this support, problems associated with computer hardware and software and access problems cannot be easily or quickly solved. Such a unit can also increase the scope of IT products and other activities in the libraries. 7. Local Area Networks (LAN) should be set up in all the university libraries. LANs can also be very useful when these libraries have Online Public Access Catalogues (OPACs) because library users can then search the library's catalogue anywhere in the library. 8.Library staff should be made aware of ongoing projects in the library, especially those to do with automation, so as to create the awareness and feeling of belonging. The staff, on the other hand, should be curious about things going on in the library concerning automation. 9. More often than not when people talk of automation, they are referring to hardware and software, ignoring the human aspects of automation, specifically staff and user training. The study revealed that none of the libraries surveyed has a firm training programme in place. It is therefore, recommended that a training programme should be in place in all the university libraries. The training should be ongoing because when we automate, we are not only learning how to use the automated system; we are in fact learning new jobs. No operation is better than its personnel. The advancement of individuals who operate library automation programmes is a critical element in the success of automation.Item Library Services for Distance Education, A Case Study of the University of Ghana(University of Ghana, 2009-10) Cann, S.M.Item Promoting Information Literacy Among Undergraduate Students of Ashesi University College(University of Ghana, 2009) Anafo, P.In its simplest form. information literacy is defined as the ability to recognize a need for information and from there on, one is able to locate, retrieve, evaluate and use the procured information effectively. The acquisition of information literacy skills is deemed by many as a necessity for the information age and it is termed by many as a life long learning skills. The main objective of the study is to promote information literacy skills among the undergraduate students Ashesi University College. Questionnaires were distributed to 200 students out of a population of 450 of which 120 respond. The study revealed that most of the students level of information literacy is low based on the fact that they have problems in using Boolean Operators OR, AND, and NOT, also they have problem of using information sources and finally they use the internet without evaluating the authenticity of tile web site. Based on the findings, and other conclusions, recommendations, are made to the authorities of Ashesi University College on how best to promote and integrate information literacy programme into the curriculum of the university.Item Information Needs and Information Seeking Behaviour of Police Prosecutors at the Criminal Investigation Department, Headquarters, Accra.(University of Ghana, 2005) Adu, K.K.This study investigated the information needs and information seeking behaviour of Police Prosecutors at The Greater Accra Region. This study sought to identify the sources of information for Police Prosecutors, the effect of age, education and experience on information seeking behaviour and perception, police prosecutors hold about the Library. The study also investigated the barriers to information seeking by Police Prosecutors and the extent to which Police Prosecutors rely on the Library for their information needs as well as the limitation of the Library in providing adequate information to Police Prosecutors. Questionnaires were distributed to 50 Prosecutors. Thirty-five (35) usable responses received. The responses have been presented and analyzed. Results gathered from the analyses indicate that a great number of Prosecutors are much aware of the pivotal role of the library. They are of the view that the Library should be expended, resourced with the current books and staff of Police Service be trained in Library skills to enhance effective information provision. The Police Service in general is bedeviled with many constraints to information. Among them are suspects of crime unwillingness to share information, lack of funding for the library, and the changing nature of the law relating to crime. Among the recommendation made to enhance the Prosecutor's ability to combat crime and to keep abreast of the law are the holding of regular Meeting and Seminars and Six months' training on Criminal CodeItem Awareness and Use of the Internet by Academic Staff and Students of the University Of Ghana(University of Ghana, 2001-10) Markwei, E.D.The aim of the study was 10 find the extent of awareness and use of the Internet and its sources by academic staff and postgraduate students of the University of Ghana. The purposes for. motivations. the limitations and barriers in using the Internet were explored; so were the differences in use among staff, students, and faculty. The survey method was used. Questionnaires were distributed to 175 academic Staff and 216 postgraduate students. One hundred and twenty three (123) and 121 usable responses were received from staff and students respectively. The responses have been presented and analyzed. The main findings of the study indicate that, both staff and students are fully aware of the Internet and most of its services. Academic staff in general use the lnternet and its services more than students. However. both staff and students from the science faculty use the Internet and its services more than those from the Arts and Social Science facu lties. The study also established that, among the services. Email is highly used by both staff and students. The main motivation far using the Internet is communication with friends and colleagues; and the main limitation in Internet usage is slow data transmission in the case of staff, and difficulty in locating information in the case students. The main barriers to using the Internet arc: frequeat1y disrupted service and inadequate time available to users for accessing the net. A significant relationship has been established between Internet use and age of student, faculty of student, and computer usage of both staff and students Both staff and students found the Internet a very useful resource that. provides them with information in their subject fields. The main reason for non-use of the Internet is inadequate training The study recommended among others, the training of staff and students to use specific tools to ensure effective use of the internet in all their academic pursuits.Item Effect of Corporate Environmental Factors on the Provision of Information in the Balme Library, University of Ghana(University of Ghana, 2003-08) Sam, R.B.The University Library is the foremost organization charged with the responsibility of providing information support to academic work in the institution. A well-equipped library, is therefore a great motivation to academic excellence and scholarship. Currently, the Balme Library of the University of Ghana is facing severe under-funding difficulties, in addition to being marginalized in the scheme of things in the university. These may have the tendency of affecting information delivery by the library. This study of the Balme Library was therefore, undertaken to determine how corporate environmental factors in the university affected the capacity of the library to provide information. These factors identified were organizational structure, organizational culture, organizational resources and the perception of some groups in the university. Through meticulous search of related literature, use of an interview schedule and Questionnaire on some senior members of the university enough data were gathered and analyzed in relation to the objectives of the study. The findings pointed to the fact that organizational structure, culture and resources, as well as the perception of groups in the University exerted enormous drawbacks on the library to deliver on its information provision mandate. In the light of the findings and other problems identified, the following recommendations were made.Item Automation of Private School Libraries in Ghana: A Case Study of SOS-HERMANN GMEINER International College, Tema(University of Ghana, 2000-10) Awortwe-Abban, J.P.The automation of information systems is now a necessity. School libraries. as information centres In second-cycle institutions, must automate their services in order to provide more efficient and quality services as well as introduce new information media for the enhancement of the schools' instructional programmes This study is conducted partly to investigate the role of these multimedia in he enhancement of information provision in schools. It also sets out to investigate the integration of school libraries in the academic programmes of schools, using the SOS-Hermann Gmeiner International College Library automation as a case study. The methodology adopted for the collection of data is the cross sectional survey, based mainly on the use of the interview and survey questionnaire. The results of the study are presented in the form of descriptive statistics and the facts emerging from the study commented upon. The major conclusion drawn from the study is that though an expensive venture, automation is crucial to the enhancement of the teaching-learning situation in schools and must be adopted in all school libraries in Ghana, as a matter of necessity. Based on the conclusion the recommendation is made to the Ministry of Education of Ghana and the proprietors of private secondary schools on how best to automate school libraries in the face of the current low budgetary allocations from Government.Item Rethinking The Collection Development Phenomenon: A Case Study Of KNUST Library(University of Ghana, 2009-10) Arkorful, D.V.K.Academic libraries, particularly university libraries, play pivotal role in document information dissemination. They provide educational sources for students, lecturers and researchers. In other words they are central sources of acquisition of varied and diverse information. The ever increasing growth in the volume of publication in all fields of knowledge coupled with the advent of information and communication technology in libraries, have widened the scope of library services, especially university library services. It has been noted, however, that collection development is one of the least developed aspects of librarianship in Ghana. Consequently many academic libraries in Ghana are unable to achieve the objectives for which they have been established. The study was to examine the collection development procedures of the KNUST Library in relation to user information needs. The study was designed within the framework of collection development processes; it lays emphasis on collection development upon request. The concept here is easy access to relevant information upon demand and not collection development in anticipation of user need. The study involved the collection of extensive data to produce understanding of the entity being studied. The research design used by the researcher in the study was survey methodology. Questionnaires were used as the data collection instrument for the study. Data was collected from 84 out of 85 library personnel of the KNUST Library System. Among the significant findings were that the KNUST Library does not have a laid down policy on access to information. The library does not have adequate funds to be able to fulfill all its collection development objectives. It was also found that, the whole library system is yet to be automated thus, users do not have the opportunity to do online search to enhance access to information. Among the recommendations made were that the library should have a well documented policy on access to information and the functions of the library should also be automated.Item Automating a Private University Library in Ghana: Prospects and Challenges: A Study of the Walton Whaley Library of the Valley View University(University of Ghana, 2003-12) Amoah, C.N.E.This work enquired into the issues concerning automating a private university library - the Walton Whaley Library at the Valley View University. It looked Into how patrons and staff of the library feel about the issues. It examined their knowledge about computers and library functions. Based on this knowledge they would be able to intelligently advice or voice their opinions on the issue.Item Continuing Professional Development of Professional Librarians in the Public University libraries in Ghana(University of Ghana, 2003-10) Adanu, T.S.A.This work is a report on a research conducted on the continuing professional development (CPO) of professional librarians in the five public university libraries in Ghana. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between continuing professional development (CPO) of library professionals working in the five public university libraries in Ghana and job advancement/promotion, CPO and job satisfaction, CPO and job performance/efficiency. Continuing professional development will be defined by the following general factors. These are: the individual, the library/institution, CPO activities. CPD development plan. professional goals and training needs. The findings revealed that majority of the respondents were aware of CPO activities and a significant number of the respondents were actually involved in CPO. CPO was seen as having a positive impact on job satisfaction. A personal plan was seen as important for cpo. Library management of all five public university libraries said CPO was encouraged in different ways although they consented that there was an absence of a written CPO policy. The study showed that CPO had a great influence on job performance. CPO was seen also as a great aid to promotion as well as career advancement. Research and publishing showed up as the most needed of the CPO activities for promotion. Respondents were generally motivated to pursue CPO activities. The major barrier to CPO turned out to be finances and the main motivating factor for engaging in CPO activities was to update skills. Involvement in CPO was generally seen as a shared responsibility of stakeholders, the individual (employee). the library (employer). Training needs identified were many and diverse, reflecting the fact that CPO needs differ from individual to individual. Recommendations were made and suggestions given for further research. Recommendations made included the need for the documentation of CPO policy by employers and policy makers. Library management was encouraged to set up a training department within the library to cater for the training needs of staff including professionals. To the employees or professionals. it was suggested that there was a need for them to recognize that certain CPO activities like research and publishing counted more towards promotion than others. The importance of networking and teaming up for joint research was emphasized. Suggestions for further research included a comparative study between CPO practices and opportunities of professionals in the public universities on one hand and those in the private universities.